Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Late Winter / Early Spring Running

Wanna improve your pace?  Go running through a crappy neighborhood!*

Time for a walk break?  Nope.  Keep on movin'.

I did OK today on my run.  But not great. 

I'm in better shape than I was a year ago (i.e., less round), but I'm not getting nearly as many miles in.  So I'm probably not going to be setting any personal records this spring.

But if I don't get my post-nasal drip issues under control, it's going to be a looong day for my next 5K.

*Don't actually do this.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

More Turkey Bacon!

For the first time since 2008, I don't have a big race planned at the end of the spring. 

My general goals over the winter have been "get faster" and "don't be a fatass".

To achieve those goals I've been lifting weights and focusing on my speed work.

Two observations:

- running the day after lifting is hard

- getting all the protein I'm supposed to get every day is a huge pain in the ass

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Toy

I got a Garmin 405 recently (with the help of Christmas gift card I had).

Holy crap, it's awesome.

I wish I had it last year when I was training for the marathon.

However, I found a critical weakness in the Garmin.*

If you don't turn it off after your run, it keeps going.

Like, if you don't turn it off after your run, and get in the car, it just thinks you're running really really fast.

*this was my fault, not the Garmin's.