Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Final Weigh-In

I'm down to 171.4.

I'm like an honorary Kenyan.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Pat Report - Buffalo 2011 (5/16/2011)

Welcome to Taper Town.  Population:  Me.

I got my 20 mile run in yesterday.  This is the last long run on my training plan.


I'm sore today, but not completely wrecked.  The second 10 miles yesterday were actually easier than the first 10. 

The idea of 6 more miles on top of yesterday's run sounds hard, but not impossible.

Considering how many miles they have on them already this year, the knees are holding up pretty well.


The allergies have taken a sudden turn for the worse.  I couldn't run on Saturday because I was too busy barfing up the previous night's post-nasal drip (I'm very attractive to live with...).

The new allergist took a few things out of my shots over the Winter.  Whatever is in bloom right now isn't in my shots anymore.  It's killing me.

In the meantime, I've doubled my Flonase and neti pot efforts.


I hit the bike path around 9:30.  The forecast was for showers, so I started out in full rain gear.  And what happened?  It got sunny and hot. 

I went back to the car after 10 miles and changed into shorts and a short sleeve shirt.  And what happened then?  It started pouring two miles later.  Oh well.  At least the rain was enough to get the amateurs off the bikepath.


I've been a steady 173.2 the last few weeks.  I was hoping to get under 170 by race time, but I'll take it.  I'll still be a full 3 to 4 pounds lighter than I was for the half marathon last year.  And I've definitely added muscle (I can tell I'm stronger than this time last year because I'm not hunched over by the end of double digit runs).

13 days until race day.

One more long run left.

Monday, May 9, 2011

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

Me:  Hello?

Caller:  Hello, this is the Rhode Island Blood Center.  Is Patrick there?

Me:  Yes.  Speaking.

Caller:  We know you've given in the past and we'll be hosting a blood drive in your area this week.  Can we count on your support?

Me:  Well, I'm running a marathon in 3 weeks.  So I kinda need to keep all my blood for myself right now.

Caller:  Oh!  OK.  I understand completely.

(and... scene.)

I did a little experimenting with the routine for my 14 miler on Saturday.  I figured this was the week to do it.

I ate a little extra.  I wore different socks.  I pushed my tempo in the middle.  I wore long sleeves when it was over 65.

None of these things were good.  The conclusion that I came to was that I had pretty much been doing things the right way (for me) all along.  I ended up 1 second per mile slower than I was for my 18 mile run the week before.

So I'm back to my normal routine for next week

Monday, May 2, 2011


The 18 mile run went really, really well.

I felt strong, smooth and fast.  And I couldn't have asked for better conditions.  Low 60s.  Dry.  Partly cloudy.  I hope I get that on race day.

I also didn't feel like I was dying the day after like I was after 16 (although that may have been a combination of running in the rain and being 5 days removed from the stomach flu).

My only minor complaint was the pollen.  The allergies were getting a little crank by the end.

I think I'm going to make it.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bad Knee

I got 5 miles into a planned 16 mile run on Saturday when my left knee just started killing me.

I gimped along for 3 more miles, then I called my wife to come get me (first time I had ever done that).

I was wincing from the pain every time I landed on my left foot.

I'm going to take a few days off and see if that helps, but I'm pretty bummed right now.

I was this close to my first 100 mile month...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pat Report - 3/15/2011

I ran 14 miles on Saturday.  It was glorious.

It was one of those almost Spring days that feels much warmer than it actually is because it hasn't been 50 degrees in a long long time.

It was also my first time on the bikepath in 2011.  After a winter full of treadmill runs and icy hills, it was great to be back on my home turf again. 

It's also a lot easier to get myself out there on a really nice day.  The "Why the hell am I doing this again?" questions are a lot easier to put of your mind when it's not 20 degrees.

The next day I felt surprisingly strong.  Better than I did the day after either of my half-marathons.  I think that means I'm doing my build the right way.

I even took Daisy Dog out for 3 the next day.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go eat 3 more bananas and 2 more scrambled eggs...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Pat Report - 3/1/2011

Despite the continued presence of The Winter That Would Not End, I had a solid two weeks of training. 

I had my annual check-up last week.  The doctor gave me his blessing.  "You're perfectly normal" (his words, not mine).

I'm doing my best to keep the running from interfering with parenting time, but it's tough.  Little Man now refers to Powerade as "Daddy juice". 

My Long Run Sunday times haven't been good.  I'm assuring myself that it's OK since I'm still adding weekly mileage and I've been mostly running on hills in the snow when I'm outdoors.  But I'll be disappointed if there isn't a noticeable improvement once I'm back on a flat, ice-free bikepath.

On a more positive note, I'm already at the century mark for year-to-date miles.  So I'll give myself a pat on the back for that.

Thank you for your support.

89 days until Buffalo.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Long Run Sunday

Pat get his miles in in the snow.

Pat ain't care

Friday, February 25, 2011

That's Science...

I did 20 miles last week.

And I gained a pound.

Therefore, running causes weight gain.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pat Report - 2/15/2011

I haven't signed up yet, but I'm hoping to do a full marathon this year.

I'm a little bit behind where I want to be at this point.  This winter has been brutal.  BUT... I'm waaaaay ahead of where I was this time last year.  I'm 13 pounds lighter (today's weigh-in was 172.2 pounds).  And, most importantly, I'm not coming off pneumonia.

I've also gotten a lot more core and leg strength training in this year.  I noticed I started slouching after 10 miles or so last year.  I'm trying to correct that.  And hills.  I've been killing it on the hills lately.

Back on the treadmill this week after a week off.  I had minor cold / sinus issues last week (stupid daycare germs).  The good news is the germs never made it down into my lungs.

Doctor's appointment next Friday - I'll check with him about doing a full marathon, but I see no reason why he wouldn't clear me.

Thank you for your support.

103 days until race day.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Aren't You People Pooping Normally?

I was looking up an article I had read on running making weight loss harder.

Here's what shows up in Google:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

First OUTDOOR Miles of 2011

It's tough to get the outdoor runs on the schedule in January around here.  There's snow everywhere.

Luckily, there's a state park nearby where they plow the road around the pond.  It's a nice, even 2.5 mile loop (which keeps the math nice and easy).

I had the ASICS Trabucos out in the snow for the first time Saturday.

They were tremendous.

I was so much more confident of my footing than I would have been in normal running shoes.  I was really able to pound it on the hills.

The downside of Winter Running - It took me a little while to warm up again.  Turkey bacon and egg on wheat.  Second cup of coffee.  Juice.

I felt human again.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

First Miles of 2011

Three miles on the treadmill.  415 calories.  Boo-yah.

Then ten minutes on the elliptical.

Legs feel GREAT.

Breathing is just "pretty good"...  A little "post-nasal" action going on.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Year End Numbers

Haven't run a few weeks.  Battling a sinus infection.

BUT...  On a positive note, I finished 2010 with 508 miles.

A 23% improvement over 2009.

Year over year numbers:

January 24
January 12.5
February 36
February 34.5
March 67
March 56
April  67
April  62
May 59.8
May 82.2
June 23
June 26.5
July 37.5
July 44
August 40
August 37.6
September  45.5
September  22
October 1.5
October 44.5
November 7
November 51.5
December 3
December 34.5

