Sunday, February 27, 2011

Long Run Sunday

Pat get his miles in in the snow.

Pat ain't care

Friday, February 25, 2011

That's Science...

I did 20 miles last week.

And I gained a pound.

Therefore, running causes weight gain.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pat Report - 2/15/2011

I haven't signed up yet, but I'm hoping to do a full marathon this year.

I'm a little bit behind where I want to be at this point.  This winter has been brutal.  BUT... I'm waaaaay ahead of where I was this time last year.  I'm 13 pounds lighter (today's weigh-in was 172.2 pounds).  And, most importantly, I'm not coming off pneumonia.

I've also gotten a lot more core and leg strength training in this year.  I noticed I started slouching after 10 miles or so last year.  I'm trying to correct that.  And hills.  I've been killing it on the hills lately.

Back on the treadmill this week after a week off.  I had minor cold / sinus issues last week (stupid daycare germs).  The good news is the germs never made it down into my lungs.

Doctor's appointment next Friday - I'll check with him about doing a full marathon, but I see no reason why he wouldn't clear me.

Thank you for your support.

103 days until race day.