Monday, May 9, 2011

*ring ring*

*ring ring*

Me:  Hello?

Caller:  Hello, this is the Rhode Island Blood Center.  Is Patrick there?

Me:  Yes.  Speaking.

Caller:  We know you've given in the past and we'll be hosting a blood drive in your area this week.  Can we count on your support?

Me:  Well, I'm running a marathon in 3 weeks.  So I kinda need to keep all my blood for myself right now.

Caller:  Oh!  OK.  I understand completely.

(and... scene.)

I did a little experimenting with the routine for my 14 miler on Saturday.  I figured this was the week to do it.

I ate a little extra.  I wore different socks.  I pushed my tempo in the middle.  I wore long sleeves when it was over 65.

None of these things were good.  The conclusion that I came to was that I had pretty much been doing things the right way (for me) all along.  I ended up 1 second per mile slower than I was for my 18 mile run the week before.

So I'm back to my normal routine for next week

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