Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Pat Report - 3/15/2011

I ran 14 miles on Saturday.  It was glorious.

It was one of those almost Spring days that feels much warmer than it actually is because it hasn't been 50 degrees in a long long time.

It was also my first time on the bikepath in 2011.  After a winter full of treadmill runs and icy hills, it was great to be back on my home turf again. 

It's also a lot easier to get myself out there on a really nice day.  The "Why the hell am I doing this again?" questions are a lot easier to put of your mind when it's not 20 degrees.

The next day I felt surprisingly strong.  Better than I did the day after either of my half-marathons.  I think that means I'm doing my build the right way.

I even took Daisy Dog out for 3 the next day.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go eat 3 more bananas and 2 more scrambled eggs...

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