Monday, April 27, 2009

Long Run Sunday 4/26/2009

I did 12 miles Sunday. Longest run yet.

It was hot. 30 degrees hotter than my long run last Sunday. After running in the mid-50s, 83 feels super hot.

Needless to say, my times were not good.

I made two "rookie mistakes" yesterday. I didn't sunscreen under my shirt (the lightweight running shirts don't offer much sun protection). And I left the house with room temperature water. It was practically boiling by the end of the run. Next time I'll do a partial freeze.

I'm going to start adding a little more protein in my diet. I'm still somewhat surprised by how "squishy" I am while running more than 20 miles a week.

I'm a little sore today, but it's certainly manageable. I think I've done a good job of building up to this point.

60 miles for the month. 187 for the year.

27 days until race day.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Long Run Sunday 4/19/2009

Ten miles on the bikepath. Fifty two degrees and sunny. Light wind.

Legs are a little sore today but OK. My knees feel great.

I had the miles in me yesterday. I just didn't have any "fast" in me. I had a terrible week for sleep and diet. I'm guessing that didn't help. I'll try to improve that for next week.

Twenty mile week (yay!). 38.7 for the month. 166 for the year.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Speed Work Tuesday - 4/14/2009

Just did 4 miles of speed work. Beautiful day out. I feel pretty good.

The weekend was a complete wash-out. Zero miles. I had the bad barfies Saturday. I spent Sunday relearning how to eat solid food.

I'm down to 40 days until race day. I'm feeling confident about finishing. At this point, I just want to get faster.

Monday, April 6, 2009


I got my first 10 mile run in yesterday (two weeks ahead of schedule). It felt great.

Sunny. 52 degrees. 20 MPH wind gusts. 3 minutes faster on the second half.

It's funny... I'm relatively new to running longer distances. But lately I don't even feel loose until mile 5.

Gel shot packs at 3.5 miles and 7.5 miles (I'm stretching those out as my runs get longer).

My legs feel good today. My knees feel much better since giving up the treadmill two weeks ago.

14.7 miles for the month. 141.7 for the year.

48 days until race day.